Hi Everyone, my name is Julie Snyder.  Thank you for the opportunity to tell you a little bit about myself.  My husband and I have five children in our blended home, and we feel very blessed for what God has given us.  My husband and I do our very best to provide a nurturing, Christian home environment for our own children and for the children in our daycare.  The principals we operate our lives and home by are fundamentally Biblical.  I view my childcare office as more than just a job, but also as a ministry.  The heartbeat of every parent is their child.  When a parent can go to work/ school having a confidence that their child is in a safe and secure place, there is peace-of-mind for that parent.

I have been a childcare provider for eighteen years to date, and operate my in-home daycare business, Christian Family Daycare, as a private (unsubsidized) provider.  I am First-Aid and CPR certified, and I attend various yearly childcare trainings as a means to provide the best possible childcare.

Our family is very active in our local church, as part of the United Pentecostal Church International. My husband Randy, is an usher, and taught the A.C.T.S. (Alcohol, Chemical, Treatment Series) class for 4 years.  I have taught the toddler, preschool, and primary age classes in my Sunday School experience. Currently, I am teaching the preschool Sunday School age group, and am head of the Sunday School Department. I am also part of the Praise and Worship Team.  I probably could not talk about myself or my family without talking about our love for Jesus and His work.

My children, to-date, are Noah (17), Seth (14), Jacob (14), Joshua (13), and Eliana (9).  Yes, there is only 1 girl!  But she keeps the boys on their toes!  Our family is comprised of “his, mine, and ours,” and serves as an example of how God makes “beauty from ashes.”  We are not perfect parents, nor do we have the perfect home or perfect family, but we’re doing the best we know how, and the Lord is teaching us more as we go along. 

            Thank you for visiting our blog! I hope it is/will be a useful tool for creativity, education, exploration, and Christian Childcare Resources!

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