Thursday, May 15, 2014

Trying Too hard

I mentioned previously that I am the Queen of New Projects; writing a blog being one of them.  I am also the Princess of Procrastination, and a sprinter- running fast and hard but only for short distances. This being said, my blog has been left... unattended for some time now. But, I'm finally realizing that my blogging procrastination is primarily due to...Trying too hard

I recently sat down and gleaned over some of the recent posts of a fellow blogger whom I follow- a fellow childcare provider, as well- and truly admired the wit and simplicity of her entries. Often, she simply shares a quick thought from her daycare day, or a funny quote or conversation from one of her daycare children. That's when I realized I'm trying too hard. I do not have to research anything, cite my sources, use the right language- I certainly don't have to make blogging a half-day to-do task.  Simple.... right? 

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