Saturday, January 11, 2014

Jesus Heals a Man at Church

While working on lesson plans for Sunday School, it occurred to me that I might as well put my gatherings together in a blog post. In my limited Sunday morning time, I will only be able to use a small fraction of the resources that I gather, but I tend to go OCD when I follow a theme! Besides, who knows when, how, for what, or where I might need to use these ideas in the future? I'm a little late sharing my supplemental lesson ideas for tomorrow's lesson, but in the future I'm hoping to post on Mondays for the upcoming Sundays. This was actually a very difficult lesson to collect ideas for, as there are more adult sermons than Sunday school lessons on the web for this topic. Adapt and overcome! 

I use Toddler Level Word Aflame Curriculum, and this week is Week 7: Jesus Heals a Man at Church.  

Lesson Focus:  Jesus heals people at church.
Scripture Text: Matthew 12:9-13
Bible Words:    Jesus does good things! 

Lesson (Age-Adaptable)Jesus Heals a Crippled Hand 
     This curriculum contains a little bit of everything: coloring, puzzles, games, lessons, etc.
Lesson (Activities): Man With the Shriveled Hand

Book List (Hands):

Hand Print Craft Ideas: Choose what works for you based upon holiday/season/occasion, etc. These images did not have a website for me to credit, so let me say a special "Thank you" to the collection creators for their idea share! 

Sensory Learning:

Have fun! If you have any suggestions for this topic, just comment them to me and I will look into adding them to this page! I always appreciate idea-swapping! 

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