Friday, January 3, 2014

Another New Adventure!

Yes, I am the queen of new projects, and my latest new project adventure is called blogging!  I'm feeling fairly confident that in time, blogging and I will become the perfect match-up; out-letting the flow of all those creative preschool teaching juices.

I've been working in some form of childcare for 18 years, and have 5 children of my own. I love to teach preschool, I am a huge "themer", I focus a lot on creative arts and intentional play, and (against the prevailing preschool theology) I DO use lined paper and coloring pages regularly!! (I have rock-solid reasons behind that last statement that I will expound at a later date.)

I currently own and operate an in-home daycare and preschool. This has been a fantastic experience that has seriously broadened my concept of "family". (I will also be taking some time this year to expound on the VAST benefits of the in-home daycare experience for children, and why I feel it exceeds the benefits of daycare *centers.) Why "Christian Family Daycare"? It's very simple: we are a Christian family who have a daycare. Keep them safe. Show them Jesus. 

It is my hopes to use this blog as a means of sharing tons of Christian preschool fun and resources. And, of course, the growing, living, learning, and loving is in the journey! Enjoy every new adventure! 

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